Monday, January 22, 2007

coffee and brain vomit

Note: If you drinking strong coffee at night; the result is often times staring at the walls in your room and thinking about stuff like this…

What can we know? Can we know truth? Why do we have nose hair? Why are apples red?

So, here is some brain vomit for you.

Think about an event in your life, now think about how you understood it at the moment it occurred, and then think about how differently you view that same event now. It seems to me that as time progresses our perspective changes. With a little distance between us and the event we tend to interpret it differently. Some people will say that hind sight is 20:20, I tend to think its 20:18, and we are always a little far sighted, or maybe near sighted. I will contend that we see and understand things better with distance; it is always a little clearer but never perfect.

How does this work with the previously mentioned questions? Well, I am not so sure. But, it is interesting to think about how the things we “know” changes with time. It is a little disturbing to think about how there was once a time when everyone in the world thought the world was flat. Some people “knew” it with such certainty that they were willing to kill anyone who would challenge their idea. But, as time moved forth like a middle school marching band, we began to accept these new ideas. With time, the idea of a round earth was accepted as fact. (no source to back up anything I have just said)

Maybe asking such questions is just affirmation that you should not drink coffee late in the afternoon, or maybe we can learn something. To be honest I am not so sure, but that is ok with me (not really, these types of questions bug me a lot). Maybe we can’t really know anything; maybe “Truth” is relative. If God exists, it would make since that he/she/it would be the only thing capable of knowing any form of absolute truth because he/she/it is the only being capable of being outside of time, if outside of time then no change of perspective, if outside of perspective then no change in perception, if outside of perception then _____. (I got nothing, Zedler and Jimmy I could use a little help)

Next post subject: nose hair.

Here is a link to some pictures from Paris.

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