Tuesday, May 10, 2005

It’s Tuesday, and I am sitting at my home in Tulsa. My dog is sitting to my left and the outside birds are singing. School is over and the normative feeling of busyness is begging to where off. Over the past few days I have spoken with friends and enjoyed the company of my family. I read Tuesdays With Morrie the other day, and my feeble words should not even try to reduce such a book to a few words.
I am leaving for South America in about two weeks (I can hardly believe that I just wrote that last line). People have asked me if I am ready to go back. Honestly, I don’t know. I feel little emotion at the moment. I often wonder if I have made things to difficult or to complex. What does it mean to love God with my mind? What does it mean to love God with my heart? These things seem so simple. There is little that my heart desires more than to help people who are in need, to live a life freedom and adventure and to share life with those I love.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yeah, Jesus Christ loving through you is the real adventure....