Thursday, September 28, 2006

my head hurts

Week one of class is under my belt, well kinda. If you have seen the movie 13th Warrior you will understand in part what it is like to sit in a class and listen to a lecture for an hour trying with all that is within you to understand what is being said, but still you can only pick up bits and pieces. After ten minutes of intense listening I would need to take a break, much like a runner does in the middle of a track workout. There are times that it seems as though I can feel my brain getting bigger or maybe it’s imploding.

Anyway, things are going. School has started and I feel pretty good. However, it is hard to really know sometimes what is going on inside. Last night when I got back from reading at a nearby pub, I stopped by Ameli’s room to talk for a bit. It had been a long day and my tiredness magnified my emotions of irritability. I did not feel sad, but in the middle of explaining how I felt, I had to stop talking in order to hold back my tears. Its funny, I didn’t even see it coming. But, this shall pass. I don’t know how long it will take, but all I can do it try to keep moving forward.

But, this is indeed something to look forward to! Ben Harper + Barcelona for 4 days+ new people= A good time awww yea!

I wrote my address down wrong, so here it is.

Calle Latassa 23 2B
50006, Zaragoza
Zaragoza, Spain


Anonymous said...

if Jack Johnson doesn't work, take two hours of Toad the Wet Sprocket with a glass of water.

Anonymous said...

colby- i downloaded skype. maybe we can e.mail in advance and pick a time to be online.

love you buddy