Cafe con leche
Today had its ups and downs. I spent most of the morning on a long walk around a huge park close to my apartment and I just kept on walking for most of the morning. This city is really beautiful and I love the fact that they have so many sidewalk cafes, where you can just sit down and have some coffee. They are a great place to read and take in the day.
Sounds like paradise.
You lucky muddah fuckah. cafe con leche. estoy celosito. buen viaje.
looks beautiful, buddy. i'll try to get skype soon. what is the time difference? you can reply to my facebook.
Man it looks beautiful there. I'm glad you are having a good time. So, these two French girls you live with, is one a French maid? I'm sure that would be useful. Your room looks really cool and relaxing. I like the blue walls. Anyway, I've been thinking about you and look forward to visiting you (I hope). Talk to you later.
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