My room (top)
Madrid (bottom)
I am here.
Tonight will be my first night in my own room. Although I was going to be staying in the international dorms, I will actually be staying in an apartment with a German guy and two French girls. We had our first dinner tonight and I must say, I did not represent America very well or maybe my lack of cooking skills represents the US very well. Nonetheless, all I had to offer was a grilled cheese sandwich and a crappy salid. Anyway, it was a lot of fun and I think they will be a pleasure to live with.
I have been in Zaragoza for two full days and it has proven to be very interesting. I thankfully had a student from the University meet me at the train station. His name was Hector and he has been a great blessing to me una salvavida as they say here. I spent the last two days with his family and his mother can cook some food incredible food! It was so much fun and I enjoyed some great conversation with them. Most of the time we would all have a good laugh when I would say something incorrect or some other linguistic mishap would occur.
All in all, I could not be more content, I have a place to live, food to eat, new people to meet and a huge country to explore! This is no doubt an very different country that the US, people here seem to be rather put off by religion as a whole and I guess I understand why (in part). There is so much to learn and I am rather opinionated when it comes to particular issues, so I am taking some time to just be quite and listen. Well, I have had very little time to read so I am going to do that. More blogging is on the way.
Sounds amazing buddy. A German and two French girls...and you fed them grilled cheese. Seriously colby, seriously. Love you buddy.
I guess I did bring the beer, does that count for anything?
That actually counts for quite a bit. Good job. Of course, the German probably has high taste.
Hi Colb - your room looks great - so glad everything's going well. Get started on that Rachel Ray cookbook!
love you a lot
I was showing them the cookbook tonight, so I will have them something good in a few days.
I asked ola (the german) if he wanted a beer and he said, "of course I'm German" It was rather funny.
Note to the more conservative who may be reading this.
Beer or wine are a part of almost every lunch and dinner.
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