As life here in Spain continues becomes more natural and I thrust myself deeper into my studies, it’s a rather nice feeling. I have no pictures from any trips to offer and no tails of great adventures, but I am simply finding joy in the day to day.
Here are a few of the things I am thankful for.
1. Books, I am currently reading about the French Revolution and others.
2. Friends, both the ones in the U.S and here.
3. Don Antonio, my cactus that accompanies me almost daily on the window seal.
4. Languages (Spanish, French and a little English)
5. Good Professors
6. Freedom
7. Good food
8. Learning about myself and learning from others
9. Skype
10. Don and Lori Chaffer and their music that often soothes my soul.
11. My Parent
12. The mountains
13. The fresh air that the new day brings
14. Pictures
15. Distance and the perspective that it tends to bring into ones life.
16. Books
17. Running
18. Hope
19. Café y tortilla española
20. Hard times- (its always easier to say while we are not in them)
Well friends, I hope that when you read this you smile a little and know that I am also thankful for you. (yes, I know that is a cheese things to say, but its true)
kiss my butt colby.
Ah, senor, since you are commenting on my (rather unexciting) blog, I shall return the favor. We still need to hook up for a Skype date.
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